Monday, July 11, 2011

Hold On 7/11/11

Well I can only imagine how an astronaut feels when they get all dressed up for a launch, only to have some weatherman scrub their mission. The weatherman called me this morning to scrub my 9am radiation appointment. The storm that passed through Phoenix last night caused some glitch in the matrix, which requires some form of recalibration.

I have all my stuff ready to go. I have my #2 pencils, my bookbag, my snacks, my gifts for the teachers....What no school?
I can handle the delay, I still get to get hooked up to the Erbitux machine at 9:45. After the Erbitux I can scoot downstairs and see if the radiator is repaired. If I do get a snow day as respects radiation today, I'm on for tomorrow morning at 9am.
I remain prepared to get my medicine. I'm kind of disappointed that I have to wait to throw the facemask on, put the mouthpiece in, and bolt down.

Lot's of activity before my shuttle mission. We have all the providers calling to confirm protocol. Checklists are being checked. I am remaining calm and avoiding any controversy. This stuff is going down exactly as it is intended. Just like my Emsure...Yum.

I'll keep you informed...Mission Control...OUT

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