Friday, October 28, 2011

Noreen 10/27/11

Brazil, and India... who are you people?
Jim Croce – Time In A Bottle
Gordon Lightfoot – If You Could Read My Mind

   I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. Said my prayers, had a nutritious Ensure Plus, made my bed(and didn't want to crawl back under the covers), walked one mile on the treadmill, and took a shower. My attitude is gradually improving, I get tired of myself complaining about how tired, worn out, sore, and gastricly challenged I am. I know that it is understandable, but it is also pathetic.

   Yesterday marked the 14 anniversary of the passing of my sister Noreen. We were Irish twins. She was always at the seen of the crime with me. We shared a blessed childhood in a blessed family. I hit her with a golf club when she was 18 months old, and I was under 3. I took a pretty good divot. I know I didn't intentionally hit her, but try to explain that to an angry, and frightened parent looking at blood gushing from the noggin' of a beautiful daughter. For the rest of her life she had a permanent dimple in the middle of her forehead courtesy of her big brother.

   She had my back for years. She drove when I couldn't, and covered my tracks. We left a Monday Night Football game at the old Cleveland Municipal Stadium after the Browns lost a horrible game to the Houston Oilers 6-3. It was a crowd in a foul mood. Traffic leaving the stadium was bumper to bumper. A traffic altercation was almost inevitable... Almost.

   A group of rowdy hooligans threw a hanger at our transportation, (which I believe was a Nova) and it was on. Our car emptied. We had a lot of people in our car.  I had an instigator on the trunk of his car by the hair. I was explaining to him why he shouldn't have thrown the hanger at us when a young lady jumped on my back and started scratching my face. My sister jacked her up so fast she didn't know what hit her. My sister landed a series of combinations that would have made my father proud. They were trying to roll the automatic windows up on Terry McLaughlin' hands, and he was kicking the shit out of the side of the car. I believe my brother Terry disabled the hooligans car by removing the keys and throwing them across traffic into the Flats. Then we left the disabled car in the middle of traffic, jumped in the Nova and went home. The night was not a complete loss.

  In April of 1997 my sister, and her family were visiting us in AZ over Easter Break.  She was fighting cancer. I had a heart attack playing Laser Tag, and she was at my side. At the hospital she told me, informed me, demanded that I would live. She shared with me some fears about her own mortality. She was going to fight, but the cancer was a formidable adversary. She passed away on 10/26/97, and I think of her every day. She was cancer free when she died, but her immune system was so suppressed that she couldn't fight off a cold. Cancer scares me. I hate cancer.

There are people out there with real problems.
   Let's talk about them!
   How about those idiots in Washington. The worlds largest push-me pull-you.
   Hard to believe Amy Winehouse was only 5 times the legal limit.
   One of the Kardasians is having marital problems.
   Chaz Bono felt discriminated against.
I have a great life!
Thanks Nor,


  1. I hate Cancer too!! Love, Janet

  2. and I know you were and are a great brother! I wish I was a cousin.
